Volvo L110G

The price is set up at the amount of 57900 Euro.

Check the technical data of the unit, picked out from the catalog of VOLVO L110G Wheel loader.

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The year of production is 2011.

Engine/driveline: diesel.

Wheel formula and suspension type: 4x4, 2-axle, central lubrication, rear tires: Essieu 1 Usure des pneus droite et gauche: 51%-75% 51%-75% Dimension: 23.5R25 Essieu 2 Usure des pneus droite et gauche: 0%-25% 0%-25% Dimension: 23.5R25.

Cab comforts include air conditioner.

Number of hours: 12251.

The unit’s location is in Belgium.

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Handzaamse Nieuwstraat 7, BE-8610 Handzame, Belgium