Caterpillar 966H

The price is 19518 Euro.

All the offers in the stock of CATERPILLAR 966H Wheel loader are up-to-date as well as in good shape.

Look at the technical data of the unit.

Gross weight: 16900 kg.

Engine/driveline: Euro 2, diesel, engine cylinders: 6, 285 hp, engine: Caterpillar C11 ACERT, in-line, gearbox: automatic, transmission: 8 gears.

Chassis configuration: suspension: hydraulic, 2-axle, fuel tank: 380 l.

Body: tool box.

Payload: 5000 kg.

The parking site is in Nanjing, China.

Feel free to contact us to get additional enquiries.

Good luck in your deals with !



Room 466, No.1, Wufuli, Qinhuai District,Nanjing