Komatsu WA500-7

Check the technical data of the unit, picked out from the catalog of KOMATSU WA500-7 Wheel loader.

Examine the specs of the unit and make a proper choice.

This commercial transport unit was produced in 2015.

Engine/driveline: diesel, 357 hp, engine: Komatsu, SAA6D140E-6, 6 cyl. diesel, transmission: Converter 4wd, battery: 24V.

The details on axles, suspension and euro norm include: front tires: 29,5R25, rear tires: 29,5R25.

The vehicle’s dimensions are as follows: length – 8950, width – 3000, height – .

Machine hours: 15551.

The lift height is 4020.

The unit’s location is in Denmark.

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