Kramer Allrad 5085

Check the technical data of the unit, picked out from the catalog of KRAMER Wheel loader.

Check through the specification of the unit and, if needed, contact the dealer.

This commercial transport unit was produced in 2019.

Engine/driveline: diesel, engine: Kohler, KBI2504TCR/23, 4 cyl. diesel.

The details on axles, suspension and euro norm include: front tires: Mitas, 12,5 x 20, Industrial patern, rear tires: Mitas, 12,5 x 20, Industrial patern.

The vehicle’s dimensions are as follows: length – 5280, width – 1780, height – .

Machine hours: 1999.

The unit’s location is in Denmark.

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Scantruck A/S

Katkjærvej 5, 7800 Skive, Denmark